Baffled Culture Flask....
Ball-Probe Moisture Meter with Bluetooth....
Beaker Brush....
Beaker Tongs....
Beaker, Polypropylene, 50 ml....
Bench Counting Scale 4000kg....
Benchtop Visible Spectrophotometer....
Benchtop Visible Spectrophotometers....
Bernoullis Theorem....
Big Digit Thermohygrometer....
Biochemistry Incubator....
Biological Class 2 Safety Cabinet....
Biological Safety Cabinet....
Biological Safety Cabinet....
Blood Bag Tube Sealer....
Blood Bank Refrigerated Centrifuge....
Blood Bank Refrigerator....
Blood Bank Refrigerator (Economic Type)....
Blood Bank Refrigerator-Double Door....
Blood Bank Refrigerator-Single Door....
Blood Collection Monitor....
BOD Bottles with Penny Head Stopper....
BOD Bottles with Penny Robotic Stopper....
Bottle Brush....
Bridge Piers....